I have long hair on the outskirts of my hair, but inside both sides of my scalp, i am losing my hair. It is literally like three inches long!! this is sooo emberassing for me...wat shall i do??? see a doctor? ive tried greasing my hair before plaiting it but.....i've lost all hope. Help!!!
p.s at the moment its in braids (its been in for almosy 5 weeks) but im taking them out nextweek
please post whatever comments that will help!! thanx guys X
I'm losing hair in both sides of my scalp, I am black and have natural/relaxed hair hair,wat shall i do?help!!
1) how can you have natural/relaxed hair?
2) if you really have no idea why it could be breaking off, your best bet is to go see a doctor.
I'm losing hair in both sides of my scalp, I am black and have natural/relaxed hair hair,wat shall i do?help!!
I think you really need to see a doctor.
I'm losing hair in both sides of my scalp, I am black and have natural/relaxed hair hair,wat shall i do?help!!
omg that happend to my grandmother......... i dont know what to tell u except get weave get a wig or keep your hair in the braids till it grows back...... alo if its cold were you live you'll have to oil it more often cuz if it gets dry it will break off and just oil it like two or three times a week and it will start to grow back and not break off...... hope this helps
I'm losing hair in both sides of my scalp, I am black and have natural/relaxed hair hair,wat shall i do?help!!
its probably just breakage !
i know ALOT of people , who heat style there hair everyday , that get breakage in those places,
breakage is basically just short peices of hair from straightening or heat styling , and sometimes other reasons.
sorry if this didn't help !
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