Why do so many people seem to hate super long hair?
My hair is hip lenght, well maintained. I trim it, it has no split ends and is in good condition. I keep it braided alot, and when it's loose it has pretty waves from the braid.
What I don't understand is why people keep pushing me to get it cut. It has taken years to get this long.
Super long hair?
They are just jealous. You wear your hair the way that you want it!!
Super long hair?
i love long hair , by answering your question am now in level 4
i love you and thanks for asking
Super long hair?
just tell them you like your hair th@ way
Super long hair?
i have long hair too and i know i get bugged about the same thing!! all you can do is say **** them i love my hair!!
Super long hair?
i love super long hair its cute. i used to have long hair now its short and i hate it
Super long hair?
They are just jelous, dont do it!
You will regret it!(thats not a threat, LOL)
Super long hair?
I have virgin hair down past my waste and people say the same thing to me. I also trim my own hair and it is always smooth and sleek. My husband and his best friend love it and tell me not to cut it but everyone else, all women, tell me to hack it off. They are just extremely jealous people who can't stand to see how beautiful we are and hate us for it.
Super long hair?
CONFORMITY! We live in a culture where looking the same is the best thing possible.
Super long hair?
if you feel comfortable with your hair keep it they way you want it. It is yours!!
Super long hair?
I love long hair, i think that the reason that people hate long hair is becuz it can be a hassle to take care of.
Super long hair?
i don't know, i don't think people are jealous they just want to see you with a new look. i have semi-long hair and i want to grow it to my waist and then cut it to my ears but thats just me. but people nag me all the time about cutting it. and i'm just like"it took so long to grow"....
they just hatin'...go on with your bad self..hahahhaha..
Super long hair?
long hair is amazing.and if you keep it well maintained then keep that long.don't listen to what everyone says.
Super long hair?
They are just jealous
Super long hair?
DON'T CUT YOUR HAIR. Your hair are your beauty, I think, whoever is asking you to cut is jelouse with your pretty beautiful hair. Always take care of them and if it is a secret to grow them up, tell me also:)
Super long hair?
Jealousy, people with shorter hair wishes to have longer hair, but it takes so longer to grow that people are often impatient to let it grow. Be proud of your hair and continue taking care of it!
Super long hair?
i love super long hair...i wish i had it...mines half way down my back but i would love to be able to grow it that long.
plus it makes you different and you know how important it is to be one of those cool sheep type people who follows all the fashions in the magazines....how dare you really have your own personality and style...its just not kosher!
flick your hair at em i say!!! :)
Super long hair?
it might be because some of the latest styles are in short hair. my hair is about 3-4 inches below my shoulder, and super straight! and if you keep your hair that well maintained, then i cant find a reason for ppl to be pressuring you ta cut it!
Super long hair?
I love long hair!!! its very sexy! i shows that a girl cares very much about how she looks and doesn't mind putting in hard work to keep herself looking great! I say leave it long! beautiful, very feminine :)
Super long hair?
i have long hair too. and everyone loves it but want me to cut it because they are jealous and want me to dontate it to something better like Locks of Love. Dont listen to them becuase the way you style your hair helps to express your feelings and without it you wouldnt be the same. i cut it one time only about 5 inches and i cried so you do what you want and you wont be dissapoineted. trust me. i should know you should too.
Super long hair?
Don't cut it out...I have the same hair like u have and i luv it...Don't believe in wut people say all the time...Not all the girls have hair like us...its just few who can maintain it..so let them say wut they want to say...I like girls having long beautiful...if u wanna cut u can cut it any time in a few seconds but if u wanna grow them it will take years...so just leave them like that...
Super long hair?
My hair is also very long. (Down to my waist) I love it and do get bugged about it. Mostly other women who buy-in to the shallowness of fashion trends are the main offenders. When someone tells me I need to cut my hair I look at them and ask "Why do you find it necessary to find fault with the way I look?" That usually stops them in their tracks. I have attended several funerals where the bereaved would stand next to me and absentmindedly run their fingers through my hair. I think it comforts them somehow and for that, I am grateful I have long hair. Oh, and yes, the men LOVE it!
Super long hair?
i love long hair
Super long hair?
Many people believe that long hair is really annoying. Such as getting into your food or hitting people whenever you turn too quickly. Long hair also can clog sinks or vacuum cleaners, and some people just dont care for long hair. It's just other people's opinions. I know quite a few people who like long hair. It's your decision, and you shouldnt let what other people say change it.
Super long hair?
i think most people hate to see other people have so much patience. its a jealousy thing. keep your hair! youve put in the time and effort to have it so enjoy it. too bad if others cant be as patient to let theirs grow as well.
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