Monday, November 16, 2009

Please help me with hair ideas for the pep rally!!!!!!?

my school is having a pep rally and i really want to have my hair look really cute.but i dont know what to do. i was thinking french braids, but i know every other girl is gonna have them. i want something really cute to do with my hair and tha i could maybe use something in my hair that is my school colors (silver,white, and blue) please help a girl out

Please help me with hair ideas for the pep rally!!!!!!?

Do a messy bun with ribbons tied around it....

It will be so so so cute if you get the messy bun to look just perfect. practice a little before hand so you know where to place the hair.

Please help me with hair ideas for the pep rally!!!!!!?

use head and shoulder

Please help me with hair ideas for the pep rally!!!!!!?

curl your hair! curly pigtails!

Please help me with hair ideas for the pep rally!!!!!!?

I'd do a simple pony tail, but make it cute. Maybe part your hair on the side, and pull a few strands out, twist them and pull them back. Then get some thick preppy ribbons in your schools colors and tie a big cute bow in the back.

Please help me with hair ideas for the pep rally!!!!!!?

Hey, I'm a cheer coach- try these. Pigtails with a Pompon in each or braids with ribbons braided in.

Please help me with hair ideas for the pep rally!!!!!!?

braids at the top curl your hair and put it in a low ponytail

Please help me with hair ideas for the pep rally!!!!!!?

ah, my friend, youve come to the right section.


Well, what I would do , is scrunch'curl your hair and make a small "poof" in the front with your front pieces of hair. (remember to keep that part straight).

Next, use a hair color that is and apply streaks right in front of both of your ears, and behind them, as to not look tacky.

and also, apply a strand either next to the poof or in it.

Also, flat ironing it lwould look amazing.

talk about model-status.


Please help me with hair ideas for the pep rally!!!!!!?

uhhh where it down.. and make a bubble with a blue, silver, or white bow

Please help me with hair ideas for the pep rally!!!!!!?

If you hair is long enough, pull it back into a high pony tail and use a crimping iron to crimp the sections. Then tie in ribbons the same color as your school colors around the elastic band holding the pony tail in different areas. Then take the 3 colors and tie them around the elastic band, making a bow. It's cute and fashionable and you'll be able to add your school colors. Or you can always do two ponytails - one on each side of your head, curl them for a little more bounce and add the ribbons. Hope this helps!

Please help me with hair ideas for the pep rally!!!!!!? (that one would need to be spiced up though) (headband, not beads)


Please help me with hair ideas for the pep rally!!!!!!?

use hair spray paint stuff, like blue I guess cause you dont want to dye your hair white or silver! and make sure you get the kind that washes out!

I did my hair pink for my school pep rally (thats the freshman color)

Please help me with hair ideas for the pep rally!!!!!!?

Try a messy bun and streak your hair with your school colors that always looks mega cute!

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