My hair is pretty straigth but it has alittle wavyness at the end. It is pretty layerd so braids and stuff like that doesn't work. I have seid bangs but I am growing them out because they don't work to well with ponytales. my hair is about and inch below my shoulders and I also straighten it alot. Please give me some new hair styles that won't take forever. (pictures would help) thanx =)
Hair problem please help!!!?
Ok well I have No pictures so I have websites hope these help!:)
Thank you Hope these help again.:)
Also Try curling your hair with the ceremic hairstyler or waving it out like you said that it does sometime also try when you get out of the shower towel dry your hair and then just leave it all messy and sorta wavy and curly so that will give you the cute girly look Kaitlyn D. If you need anymore suggestions then email me at then Ill give you more tips.
Hair problem please help!!!?
Try parting your hair.It will be straight and cute.A person who does hair can help more.Don't mess up your hair.
Hair problem please help!!!?
cute hair styles that wont take long to do? i got a few...
-putin ur hair into a high/low ponytail wit a rubberband. then takin a section of hair nd wrapin it around the rubberband then securin it wit a bobby pin. for an even classy lok, add a cute headband
-um, u can try braid random sections of hair lik mayb five, then gather all hair to a high/low messy bun...
there r many fast cute hairstyles to do at
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